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Your Parents’ Divorce Doesn’t Mean You’re Doomed to Get Divorced Too.

You may be more tempted to consider divorce as an option because you’ve seen your parents' divorce, but don’t do it. Break the pattern of divorce, give your kids what you didn’t have, and above all learn to work everything out together.

The Surprising Secret for Marital Satisfaction

Today's post comes from Gary Thomas, who offers what might be a surprising spiritual secret for marital satisfaction. 

Can Broken Trust Can Be Restored?

Your spouse has blown it. You don’t trust him/her anymore. But you want to save your marriage, despite your broken trust. How can you learn to heal? You’re going to need to rebuild your marriage from the bottom up.

Saying “I Was Wrong” Can Transform Your Marriage

Saying "I was wrong" creates a humble heart that allows the Holy Spirit to work in and through us. This can transform your marriage.

10 Reasons Your Wife Doesn’t Want to Have Sex

I have a lot of guys who read the blog, and I get tons of emails from guys, and the most common problem I hear about is, “my wife doesn't want to have sex!” So today I want to present 10 of the most common reasons I’ve come across why a woman may say “no."