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Set These Realistic Goals for Your Marriage This Year

We know the value of working towards goals because we’ve witnessed what can be accomplished when we’re focused and driven. So why not set goals for our marriage, as well?

Your Marriage Is a Marathon You’re Running Together.

Christian marriage is tandem marathon. You and your spouse have linked hearts to serve God and navigate the ups and downs of life together.

4 Ways To Build A Strong Community That Supports Your Marriage

We all need a marriage community – a support system around us of that can breathe into our lives, hold us accountable, and inspire us.

How To Protect Your Holidays From Toxic People.

My life (and counsel) changed when I did an in-depth study of how Jesus spoke to and then treated toxic people, Here's what I learned.

The Best Christmas Gift to Give Your Spouse

What if Christmas “jump started” your family’s embrace of joy this season? What gift could be more important than stockings or candy canes?